Chaque fin de semaine, une image qui a fait l’actualité ou retenu notre attention. Le 20 mai, le cosmonaute russe Sergueï Korsakov a immortalisé depuis la Station spatiale internationale l’arrivée d’un nouveau vaisseau de transport d’équipage. Six jours d’essai...
Avec 66 voix pour, la commission pour l’Environnement du Parlement européen a adopté, le 17 mai, un nouveau dispositif qui accélère la fin progressive des quotas de carbone gratuits dont bénéficie le transport aérien. Le Parlement européen devra se prononcer en...
Exposure to ionizing radiation has the potential to catastrophically modify the operation, and destroy, electronic components in microseconds. The electrification of aircraft necessitates the need to use the most power dense and lowest loss semiconductor devices...
One month after Tesla recalled more than 120,000 units of its Model 3 in China, allegedly due to defects in rear motor inverters, the real causes of the defects remain unclear. As Tesla is the first carmaker to use silicon carbide (SiC) metal-oxide-semiconductor...
Many attempts have been made to transition the mode of production from conventional manufacturing to AM for a number of materials, including structural ceramics, polymers, alloys, and various functional materials. Due to its rapid production rates, powder...