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Indra is one of the partners with largest participation within the European project that is developing the anti-drone systems of the future.

Press Release, Madrid, 22 May 2024: Indra, a global defence, aerospace and technology company, is one of the partners with largest participation within the European project that is developing the anti-drone systems of the future, a key technology for the continent’s defence and to ensure the operational capacity of its armies. The company is a member of the core group heading the Leonardo-led JEY-CUAS project, which has been fostered by the EU through the European Defence Industrial Development Program (EDIDP).

Companies and research centres from all over the continent have joined forces to set out the different technologies to be used by the future generation of anti-drone systems, which are evolving towards increasingly specialised solutions suited to the specific operating environment in which they will be used. This means that the most effective solutions will be those capable of integrating the largest number of detection and neutralisation technologies.

Pour en savoir plus : Next generation of european counter-drone systems