Landmines remain a pervasive threat in conflict-affected regions worldwide, exacting a toll on innocent lives. Shockingly, every 95 minutes, another individual becomes a victim of these lethal explosive devices (Landmines Monitor 2022 2022), with a significant...
Pionnier des taxis volants, le chinois EHang a déjà vendu 300 exemplaires de son petit engin autonome. Son appareil effectue des vols – pas encore commercialisés – dans plusieurs pays. L’entreprise cherche à percer en Europe, et compte notamment s’appuyer sur le...
CERBAIR has announced that it will equip the French Navy’s new offshore patrol vessels with a maritime version of the HYDRA radio frequency detection system. The partnership means that these vessels will be able to passively detect drones and their pilots. HYDRA’s...
The application of intelligent decision-making in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is increasing, and with the development of UAV 1v1 pursuit-evasion game, multi-UAV cooperative game has emerged as a new challenge. This paper proposes a deep reinforcement learning-based...
Si vous avez toujours rêvé de posséder un drone, voici un modèle qui est complet et qui profite d’un très bon prix. À ceci s’ajoute une astuce pour le payer encore moins cher et sa note finira de vous convaincre. Ce drone est le Potensic Atom SE Combo qui...