The Texas Instruments LMG341xR050 is a gallium nitride (GaN) power stage with an integrated gate driver and robust protection features, the 600V, 50milliohm device enables designers to realise new levels of efficiency in their power conversion systems, which includes...
Transphorm Inc of Goleta, near Santa Barbara, CA, USA — which designs and manufactures JEDEC- and AEC-Q101-qualified high-voltage gallium nitride (GaN) field-effect transistors (FETs) — says that Hangzhou Zhongheng Electric Co Ltd (HZZH) has developed an...
A room-temperature bonding technique for integrating wide-bandgap materials such as gallium nitride (GaN) with thermally conducting materials such as diamond could boost the cooling effect on GaN devices and facilitate better performance through higher power levels,...
La demande en composants SiC (carbure de silicium) continue à croître rapidement, car ils maximisent l’efficacité et réduisent les dimensions et le poids des systèmes qu’ils intègrent et permettent aux ingénieurs de créer des solutions d’alimentation innovantes. Les...
Chaque semaine NAE vous propose une veille technologique sur une thématique de sa feuille de route technologique. Aujourd’hui retrouvez sa veille sur la thématique Fiabilité électronique qui abordera : Modeling the effect of oxidation on the residual tensile strength...